Thursday, September 22, 2011

Please Please help me!

Hey all!  I am trying my hardest to get to New York with my school's Advanced Drama Dept. and at this time I am working on a Lehi Roller Mills fund raiser. So if you like L.R.M. or you just really like me and want to help me succeed, send me an e-mail ( ) or leave a comment (here) or call me (at my house)  and I will give you more details! ----I would say you could text me, but I'm grounded from my phone so it will do no good!  Also, if you choose to buy from me then it would ultimately be cheaper for you because I charge NO sales tax! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BUY!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life... :P

Ya life isn't as easy as it was in kindergarten.  Back then all you had to worry about was which kid peed his pants regularly, which crayon to use, and which boy to chase until he cried......sorry Taylor McCoy!  It's all so much more complicated now!  Now we worry about which college to go to, how to play the teachers so we can get a good G.P.A. , and who you can trust with our secrets.  I vote that we should all be allowed to return to kindergarten for just a week, and just when it's needed.......LIKE NOW!