Saturday, October 16, 2010

My new blog!

Hey guys!  This is my new blog!  I have an old one but I got really bored with it and was all 'Hmm, lets make a new blog.  Ya that sounds good!'  So then I did!!!!

So today I was playing Taylor Forsythe and I totally whacked myself in the boob ( on accident)  and I was all 'Ahh!  I just hit my boob!'  and he was all like 'Ha ha!  Is your boob okay?'  I swear, that is the weirdest question anyone has ever asked me in my entire life!!!!!

Ya so that's all!!

1 comment:

  1. That's ummmm interesting. I don't think you want all of your friends to know that you have boob conversations with your boyfriend. Just a suggestion!!!! I love how you have a blog!! Maybe i should have one too replace me not having a facebook and all. Well can't wait to hear more about your life!! love you!!!
